One Cell
Cell formation
A collection of ideas in preparation for turning the desert green.  
In no way should these ideas be secret, nor should they in part, or in whole be sold commercially in order to make a profit.
To keep things straight from the start: The desert is not to be destroyed nor taken away. Not only because large desert areas are part of the earth's ecological system. More to the point is a transformation of those arid areas in which people and animals exist, into an environment where life is possible..
1. We do not wish to be against something!
The aim is not to destroy. Important is to be FOR something. We have more power and vitilisation when we are working FOR something, rather than against something.
When we are FOR something, then the negative elements disperse into the background and do not even appear in the first place.
Earth is living sand. Deserts contain sand without significant organic contents. The cristaline mineral is dominant. The climatic conditions are not good for organic material. To turn the deserts green doesn't mean to destroy the sand or take it away. The living forms spread out to turn the inorganic sand into living earth. Wherever woods are to be seen, then they are growing in sand that may have once been desert. With time, the organic humous brings life with it. The organic mixes itself in with the mineral. Sand becomes earth. To achieve this is the main aim, the main point of this concept, the idea!
2. Living ecosystem
Everyday science defines "ecosystem" as a stable, self-containing system composed of living organisms in a non-living environment. According to this definition organisms do not change their environment but only adapt to them.

We do not have this view. We are of the opinion that the forests have, just like the oceans in the studies from James E. Lovelock, a selfcontrolling function when their power is large enough.
When the organic content is dominant, then the climate which is created, can influence itself so that plants are supported. James Lovelock, the English chemist played a leading role in this discovery. Other biologists too numerous to name here, have also stated that forests for example, can influence climate, rainfall and temperature according to their size and consistency.
Through our project we wish to cause a change in the makeup of the desert.
3. A fully connected whole
It is my belief, that large parts of the desert could be transformed so that both humans and animals could again live there. This reforming follows the principle of earth keeping itself alive. This means that by implementing the ideas outlined here, the earth can itself be brought to a particular stage where it is then itself able to provide the life supporting areas for plants and animals. As it has done in the millions of years in the past. This selfsupport makes it imperative that the planted vegetation communicates with the surrounding environment. This communication has the one purpose of self support (and hence further communication). The strength of the expression of the plant or animal lies in the common feature of that species. Hence an area of natural forest has a greater influence over its surrounding environment than simple rows of single trees. ??? One single plant growing on its own has to adapt to its environment rather than the environment adapting to that plant.
James Lovelock wrote in his book "GAIA - A New Look at Life on Earth" in 1982:

"Forests, rain and cloud formation are products of the needs of the forests???? but the greatest part of the folliage cause the water to evaporate. The rising steam condenses to clouds, rain follows, the trees grow.... When trees are missing rainfall stops and the ground dies". James Lovelock shows is his example from Harappa in Pakistan, where the farmers cleared the forests, herded goats and cows, who ate the leaves of sapplings and grasses which grew in place of the trees. The rain did not return and the rest of the forest died. What remained was desert.

This is why it is so important to have a particular size of coherent forest. This coherent area encompases a particular size of environment around the vegetation. As the size of this surrounding area increases, the plant's ability to provide itself with energy, for development, to multiply and its influence over the environment increases so that all possible needs are secured.
4. Water of Life
One further important point in the method is to not tap into the ground water in both arid or semiarid areas. In many projects some still running today, the groundwater is being tapped and in some cases fossil water is being sprayed over the desert's surface having been taken from deep out of the earth's core, using huge amounts of energy, The amount of water available however, is limited. After shutting off the pumps and sealing the source, all plant life would dry up.
This should be avoided completely through the practice of the theory explained here. Water in arid and semi-arid areas, should not be allowed as far as the surface where it could evaporate before being of use to the plants. Even rain, which unusually appears in the Sahara, will evaporate high above the desert due to the high temperatue and not even land on the ground.
5. Self determination from the start
The project is aimed to provide the ecological forces with help to secure their own living space, so that sandstorms and desertification do not destroy and spread. This projected ecosystem is to have an energy and resources consumption aimed at zero. No energy will be removed from the system, for example via harvesting, nor shall money be spent on for example pumping water to the surface.
This doe not mean that no energy will be necessary. All the energy required comes from the sun and hence can be used without loss.
Thus the system rules out disintegration through loss of an external energy supplier. Once planted, the seeds in the system look after themselves. Hence the human contribution to the project can be held as simple as possible.
6. Development knows no time
A process is complete when it is complete. Whether it has taken 100 years or 100 million years. Mother Nature is above all else, very patient. And she demands patience from us too if success is to be the result.
For this project we are not talking about 100 million years, we believe much less.

Not only ecosystems are influenced by changes, the inhabitants living close to these areas will experience at some time or other changes to their social and cultural conditions. Our plans are thus long-term.
7. True dealing arises from consciousness
At the forefront is the realisation of the idea. Dealing from a consciousness and urgency is the driving force. Endless debates and discussions about the state of the earth are useless without a corresponding realisation of the discovered results. Where does sand come from?

How hot is it at which height over the desert surface? Who was the cause of the expansion of the desert etc? Nonsense! All necessary preparations and representations of the idea have one sole purpose which is to carry the idea through to the point of completion.
Ideas about the fight against desertification are plentiful and abundant. All of them were unable to produce a realistic improvement of the semi-arid conditions. Granted, some have produced amounts of knowledge about life in dry areas in better form than before. Some new and useful changes have been initiated. The consciousness that the expansion of the deserts is in fact a danger to life and man himself is only barely recognised. This becomes more evident the further the observer is from the endangered area. Naturally, one will say,

"This is all not new to me but what can I do?"

The best evidence for the existance of a consciousness about something is through dealing with it. I am aware that when I go out in the rain without an umberella, I will get wet. That means - I take an umberella. I knew it. I knew I would get wet so I took an umberella. I deal according to what I know. Perhaps this example will help to enrich the consciousness about the problems of the deserts and their expansion. Preparation and requirements
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