4. Day
2005 May the 5.
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9. day
    At a "Site Event" we spoke with Mr. Vladimir Konovalov,Consul of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation. He reported us about the extreme situation at the Caspian Sea and the climatic conditions from 40 °C in summer and -20°C in winter (night). Also with these conditions our idea of the deep lapping and cover could work.

In the further run during the day we have had contact with following persons:

Person Organisation Country/State Remarks
  Global Environment Facility USA The exhibition for this organisation is shown in the picture above in the background.
Tillman Gaertner Global Water System Project Germany email: tg@giub.uni-bonn.de
or Email: gwsp.ipo@uni-bonn.de
Vladimir Konovalov Consul General consulate of the Russian Federation UDSSR Law and political department
email: info@ruskonsulatbonn.de