9. Day
2005 May the 10.
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9. day
    Dr. Georgij A. Gerodes(left) and Peer Steinbrück
    At the end of the UNCCD CRIC3 Conference we had a final party in Bonn "Rheinlobby Meets The World" Peer Steinbrück (former Prime Minister of NRW, and the General Consul of the Russian Federation Dr. Georgij A. Gerodes, also were there. (shown above in the picture). While representing our project it became clear to us: For the statement of the effectiveness of our idea we urgently need an attempt project. The "Deutsche Welle" (German Radio in Bonn) also was there and we had the opportunity to give an interview and to talk about our idea on the radio. This broadcasting was emitted on the 11th May, 2005.
In the further run during the day we have had contact with following persons:

Person Organisation Country/State Remarks
Peer Steinbrück The Federal Government Germany
Dr. Georgij A. Gerodes Russian Federation Russian Federation
Frau Dr. ssa Orietta Casali ENEA Italy
Markus Eichert Euro Finance Consulting Germany Financial Planer
eMail: m.eichret@eurofinanzconsulting.de
Dr. Anneke Trux GTZ Germany Project coordinator
German Network at the UNCCD
E-Mail: ccd-projekt@gtz.de